DND 5E Backgrounds

5e Backgrounds for Dungeons & Dragons

All PHB DND 5e Backgrounds Official List & Chart

DND aka Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that allows users to bring visions and imagination into real-life characters that have the potential to survive in such a challenging and competitive environment. It is quite evident by the name, that the game is based in a dragon world filled with challenges, secrets, and treasures. We list all the dnd 5e backgrounds, making it easier to locate your background from the list below.

Name Source Languages Page Tools Skills
Acolyte PHB Any two 119 None Insight, Religion
Criminal PHB None 121 Gaming set, Thieves Deception, Stealth
Charlatan PHB None 120 Disguise kit, Forgery kit Deception, Sleight of Hand
Entertainer PHB None 122 Musical instrument, Disguise kit Acrobatics, Performance
Folk Hero PHB None 123 Artisan’s tool, vehicles (land) Animal handling survival
Guild Artisan PHB Any One 124 Artisan’s tool Insight, persuasion
Hermit PHB Any One 126 Herbalism Kit Religion, Medicine
Noble PHB Any One 127 Gaming set History, Persuasion
Outlander PHB Any One 128 Musical Instrument Athletics, Survival
Sage PHB Any Two 129 Navigator’s tools, vehicles Arcana, History
Sailor PHB None 131 Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water) Athletics, Perception
Soldier PHB None 132 Gaming set, vehicles (land) Athletics, Intimidation
Urchin PHB None 133 Disguise kit, Thieves’ tools Sleight of Hand, Stealth
City Watch SCAG Any Two 145 None Athletics, Insight
Clan Crafter SCAG Any One 145 Artisan’s Tools History, Insight
Cloistered Scholar SCAG Any Two 146 None History, Choose 1: Arcana, Nature, Religion
Faction Agent SCAG Any Two 147 None Insight, Special (Choice)
Far Traveler SCAG Any One 148 Musical Instrument x10, Gaming Set x1 Insight, Perception
Inheritor SCAG None 150 Musical Instrument x1, Gaming Set x1 Survival, Choose 1: Arcana, History, Religion
Investigator SCAG Any Two 145 None Insight, Investigation
Knight of the order SCAG Any One 151 Gaming set x1, Musical Instrument x1 Persuasion, Special (choice)
Mercenary Veteran SCAG Any One 152 Gaming Set x1, Ground Vehicle Athletics, Persuasion
Urban Bounty Hunter SCAG None 153 Choose 1: Gaming Set x1, Musical Instrument x1, Thieves Tools Choose 2: Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Stealth
Uthgardt Tribe Member SCAG Any One 153 Choose 1: Artisan’s Tools, Musical Instrument x1 Athletics, Survival
Waterdhavian Noble SCAG Any One 154 Choose 1: Gaming Set x1, Musical Instrument x1 History, Persuasion
Black Fist Double Agent COS (AL) None 02 Disguise kit, and choose one from artisan’s tools x1, gaming set x1 Deception, insight
Dragon Casualty COS (AL) Draconic 03 Special (See page) Intimidation, survival
Iron Route Bandit COS (AL) None 05 Gaming set x1, land vehicles Animal handling, Stealth
Phlan Insurgent COS (AL) None 06 Artisan’s tools x1, Land vehicles Stealth, survival
Stojanow Prisoner COS (AL) None 08 Gaming set x1, thieves’ tools Deception, perception
Ticklebelly Nomad COS (AL) Giant 09 Herbalism kit Animal handling, nature
Caravan Specialist EE (AL) Any one 02 Land Vehicles Animal handling, survival
Earthspur Miner EE (AL) Dwarvish, Undercommon 03 None Athletics, Survival
Harborfolk EE (AL) None 04 Gaming set x1, Water vehicles Athletics, sleight of hand
Mulmaster Aristocrat EE (AL) None 05 Artisan’s tools x1, musical instrument x1 Deception, performance
Phlan Refugee EE (AL) Any one 06 Artisan’s tools x1 Athletics, insight
Cormanthor Refugee RoD (AL) Elvish 05 Artisan’s tools x1 Nature, Survival
Gate Urchin RoD (AL) None 06 Musical instrument x1, thieves’ tools Deception, sleight of hand
Hillsfar Merchant RoD (AL) None 07 Vehicles (land), vehicles (water) Insight, Persuasion
Hillsfar Smuggler RoD (AL) Any one 08 Forgery kit Perception, Stealth
Secret Identity RoD (AL) None 09 Disguise kit, forgery kit Deception, Stealth
Shade Fanatic RoD (AL) Netherese 10 Forgery kit Deception, Intimidation
Trade Sheriff RoD (AL) Elvish 11 Thieves’ tools Investigation, Persuasion

External Homebrew Backgrounds

We list all the external 5e homebrew backgrounds in alphabetical order, making it easier to locate your background from the list below.

Backgrounds From A To E

Abyssdweller Balloon Mage Cattle Rustler Dandy Earthling
Adept Banker Changeling Dark Lord Elysium Knight
Adopted Barmaid Child of Ares Demonologist Employee of Royalty
Adventurer Battlesmith Chronicler Denizen Endless Soul
Adventuring Royalty Beggar City Guard Detective Engineer
Afflicted Bereaved City Worker Diplomat Envoy
Air Acrobat Bodyguard Clone Disciple of the Obscure Eternal One
Alchemic Construct Bounty Hunter Combat Medic Disgrace Evil Cultist
Alchemist Butler Confederacy of Feuding Houses Disowned Noble Ex-Blood Doll
Alcoholic Conscript Divine Executioner
Alcoholic Scientist Construct Doctor Exile
Amnesiac Cook Dog of the Military Exiled Ruler
Ancient Cultist Courtesan Dragon Trained Experiment
Ancient One Crazed Hermit Drow Breeding Slave Explorer
Antiquarian Crusader Nation Drunken Bum
Apothecary Cursed Duelist
Arcana Spy
Arcane Augmented
Arcane Dominion
Armed Escort
Arranged Marriage
Arvoreen Keeper

Backgrounds From F To L

Farmer Gladiator Hellborn Idol Follower Librarian
Feral Child Gypsy Inquirer Lone Survivor
Fourth Wall Breaker

Backgrounds From M To W

M P R S U & W
Master Inquisitor Prospector Reaver Salesman Urban Vigilante
Mercenary Psychic Scavenger Writer
Metal Worker Seeker Of A Lost Life
Monster Shadow Thieves Guild Member
Monster Hunter Slave
Mystic Slayer
Student Of Magic

What are 5E Backgrounds in DND?

In simple words, the DND 5e background is your character’s history and experiences. Later in the article, we discussed certain elements that are required in character-making and one of the important ones being race, class, and equipment.

D&D Backgrounds are a set of skills and expertise that come with the character’s top 3’s (race, class, equipment). It helps evaluate what a character is professional at. For example, a character with a background of a criminal is most likely to be a spy with confidential information about popular profiles, have a secretive personality, and be an expert in carrying heists with tools used for theft. Your background provides you with language/tools, proficiencies, and features.

Sample DND 5e Backgrounds

In the below provided d&d 5e backgrounds list, which is officially mentioned in the player’s handbook. There are thirteen backgrounds. If you want more backgrounds than you can check above list.

All thirteen sample dnd 5th edition backgrounds, which are also mention in player hand book (phb).
13 Sample DnD Backgrounds

Who is the 👨‍💼 Dungeon Master?

There’s always a master of the game or a judge and thus, DM aka Dungeon Master fulfills the responsibility of being one. The dungeon master is in charge of managing the characters and making sure that players are following the rules of the game. They narrate the story and assign levels to the players based on their difficulty. Players are obliged to follow their instructions without a second thought.

Character-Making in DND

Creating characters is an integral part of this game on which the whole game stands. Players are supposed to create characters according to their likings and preferences. There are so many customization options available to produce a strong character with reliable abilities and strengths. Character-making sounds fun but yet the players have to be very smart with it since your whole game depends on your character. 

How to create a Character?

To answer the question of “how to create a character” is quite simple. Visualize a character that reflects your characteristics or whatever you imagine when you hear the word “hero”. Once you’re done with the difficult part, now moving on to the creative part. Choose the race, class, and background of your character. Next, select weapons, personality traits, and abilities. At last, write a short description and give a name to your character.

Customizing your own Background

This might sound fake, but it’s true. Players can create a background of their own. Creating your own background from scratch can be a fun experience and can help players explore the unseen side of DND which requires creativity and innovation.

Here are a few steps to creating your own background:

🟢 Come up with a concept: This is an important step and probably the time-consuming one. Brainstorm which kind of character you want to create. If you have a keen interest in fantasy or action-based characters, then this might be the easiest step for you. Have a visualized idea of your character and follow the next options wisely that reflect their background and personality traits.

🟢 Choose tools/skills: Ask yourself what kind of tools would suit your character on the basis of their background and upbringing. It would be completely pointless to give your character a gaming set if they grew up in a forest. Having know-how of herbalism and survival hacks would go perfectly with their background.

🟢 Select any 2 languages: Think of 2 languages that your character must have learned growing up or their training, this can depend on their race and culture.

🟢 Give them a feature: Give your character a unique feature. The feature should reflect their past experiences and how they helped shaped their personality since a feature symbolizes expertise in a specific area.

🟢 Backstory: At last, give your character a nice backstory. Talk about what really inspired you to create a character like them. Highlight their skills, background, talents, and other expertise. Keep it short but effective and engaging.

a red color of dragon flying in Dungeons & Dragons.
Dungeons and Dragons 5e backgrounds

Final Words

At last, we would highly encourage everyone to explore the 5e backgrounds in DND to get a clearer picture of the game. You will understand more clearly once you experience it with your own hands. We’ve tried to incorporate all the backgrounds so you guys don’t miss out on anything.

Frequently Asked Questions Of D&D 5E Backgrounds

Can I customize my characters?

Players can create characters with different backgrounds, skills, and tools. Check out the steps required for creating new characters.

Is there the best background in DND?

Can I change the character’s background that I customized?

Is it possible to have a character with multiple backgrounds?

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