Dragon Casualty 5e Background

Dragon Casualty Background 5E



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Background Info


Dragon Casualty






Draconic MB




Special (See page)


Intimidation, surviv..

Last Updated

December 22, 2022

Dragon Casualty 5e Background

When the fierce dragon unleashed its fury on Phlan and wreaked havoc on everyone and anyone who stood in the way, you were one of the unlucky ones. Many of your fellows lost their lives under the deadly claws of the dragon as it lynched them piece by piece, but you were met by a fate far worse than death.

The green dragon has made you into its little plaything with no emotion and if anyone knows the reason why your life has been spared, it’s the dragon itself. But you consider yourself to be the most unlucky as you have been nothing but a mere magical experiment for the brutal dragon. You have to spend the rest of your life being a disfigured fella, pitied upon by others and doomed for the rest of your life.

What is a Dragon Casualty in DND?

Many have fallen prey to the atrocities and wrath of Vorgansharax as it has killed your family and your friends. Many have died by the deadly claws of the dragon but few who have managed to survive are trapped away and forced to live a life way worse than death. 

You are one of these unlucky ones as your life has been spared, just to be part of a terrible experiment by the dragon. It has left you disfigured by all the torture you have been through all these years in captivity. You have to carry those scars with you now, for the rest of your pitiful life.


Pick one of the following occupations that you had before you were actually going through the epic tragedy and torture by the Maimed Virulence. Your occupation also defines your tool proficiency, so be careful while picking one.

D8Origin (Occupation)Tool Proficiency
1Dockworker/FishermanVehicles (water)
2Tradesperson/MerchantOne artisan’s tools of your choice
3Black Fist SoldierOne gaming set of your choice or vehicles (land)
4Adventurer/VisitorVehicles (land)
5EntertainerOne musical instrument of your choice
6Scholar/HealerAlchemist’s supplies or Herbalism kit
7CriminalThieves’ tools, Forgery kit, or Disguise kit
8Unskilled LaborerOne gaming set of your choice
Your SkillsYour Skills include Intimidation and Survival.
Your Tool ProficienciesYou have a special tool proficiency.
LanguagesYou can speak the Draconic language.
EquipmentYou have tattered rags, a dagger, an old moldy bread loaf, a cast-off scale that belongs to Vorgansharax, and a pouch filled with different coins, worth 5GP.
LifestyleYou have a wretched Lifestyle.

Suggested Characteristics

Personality Traits

D8Personality Traits
1I am driven to escape my past, and rarely stay in one place long.
2I know secrets of the Maimed Virulence, but fear the harm that may befall me should others learn them.
3Speaking of my ordeal helps smooth the still open wounds in my soul.
4My former life is meaningless and was ripped to shreds by the claws of Vorgansharax. All that matters now is what I do with the future.
5I have faced the worst a dragon can deliver and survived. I am fearless, and my resolve unshakable.
6I am haunted by my tortured past and wake at night screaming at half-remembered horrors.
7I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, and a weapon within arm’s reach.
8I am slow to trust but incredibly loyal to those who have earned it.


1Survivor: No matter the cost, I will take any action necessary to survive. (Any)
2Independence: When in trouble, the only person I can rely on is myself. (Chaotic)
3Compassionate: I have suffered long at the hands of a Dragon, and take pity and compassion on the suffering of others. (Good)
4Secretive: I am withdrawn, and hide my monstrous appearance for fear of drawing unwanted attention. (Chaotic)
5Justice: I have been wronged, and will not allow the same fate to befall others. (Lawful)
6Sycophant: During my ordeal, I became a willing servant of the Maimed Virulence, and spy on his behalf. (Evil)


1I have sworn vengeance on the Maimed Virulence and those that follow him.
2I long to reunite with friends and family who may dwell among the Phlan Refugees, and protect them.
3While a prisoner of the Maimed Virulence, I overheard rumors of an item or treasure the Dragon seeks. I will have that treasure for myself!
4I seek to reclaim and rebuild my former life to the best of my ability.
5I have been reborn as a child of Vorgansharax. I will claim my birthright as his chosen heir and successor.
6I attribute my survival to the work of the divine and seek to prove myself worthy of the honor.


1I have been touched with dragon-greed, and have a lust for wealth which can never be satisfied.
2I secretly believe others are plotting to harm me.
3I no longer enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Food is but ashes and bile in my throat.
4Anyone who refuses to celebrate my celebrity does not deserve my company.
5I am paranoid and overly suspicious of others. Anyone may be an agent of the Maimed Virulence.
6Once I make up my mind, I follow my chosen course of action regardless of the consequences.

Disfigurement (Optional)

Your time under constant torture might have disfigured you somehow and you can choose one of the following to further define your characters’ appearance and only appearance.

1Small non-functional wing(s).
2Misshapen, wing-like membranes along one or both arms.
3Elongated, claw-like hand(s).
4Elongated, claw-like feet.
5Painful green scales are randomly embedded in the skin.
6Bulbous, reptilian eye(s).
7Enlarged dorsal spines.
8Hair was replaced with small irregular spines.


Dragon scarred 

Your days in captivity, under the brutal torture by the dragon have certainly left a huge impact on you both mentally and physically. It can be seen by the scars that you carry around, but for those who know about your ordeal, it is considered to be a very noble thing and they want to listen to your tale. It has made you quite a known person around and people respect you for what you have been through.

People want to listen to your story and they are curious to know any of the secrets that you might possess about the Maimed Virulence and so you are granted access to the places that you otherwise would not have. Your scars and the way your body might have been disfigured totally scare some people out and give you an intimidating personality. However, the reason behind your life was spared still haunts you and makes you suspicious of the ulterior motives.

Note: The feature is inspired by the Far Traveler background.

Why Use Dragon Casualty Background?

Dragon Casualty is a fascinating background with an even more captivating story. A common citizen of Phlan, taken away and tortured by a fierce beast. This background lets you play around with how the character actually appears because of the torture that he has been through and how his body might have been disfigured in.

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